Monthly Newsletter

August Newsletter!

 Hello Parents and Guardians! Once again I am looking forward to the opportunity to work with you child. I am very excited about this upcoming year and hope to make it exciting for your child as they start their first year of school. Every month a newsletter will be posted on this website as well as it being sent home to you. Please be sure to regularly check this site for updates and the latest news about our classroom themes.  

 Open House 

On Monday September 1, Jefferson Elementary School will have an Open House and all parents are invited to come to see their child’s classroom. Please do not bring your children to this event, as I want to make sure I have time to spend with you. This will give us an opportunity to meet each other as we will be working closely with one another this year. If your student is in my A.M. class, please come between 6:30- 7:30 and if your child is in my P.M. class, please come between 8-9:00. Please keep in mind that I have 40 students, so I will not be able to meet with parent/guardians for a long period of time. However, I will be more than happy to set up another appointment with you in the future if you would like.  

Field Trip  

On Friday September 18th both of Mrs. Dundas’ classes and my kindergarten classes will be going to Brookfield Zoo. We will leave school at 8:30 and return by 3:30, just enough time to get back for your children to get on their busses. We are asking students to return the parent permission slips by Friday September 5th, along with $5. We are also asking parents to pack a sack lunch with all disposable items for the student that day. Remember to dress your child appropriately with many layers because we will be outside for the majority of the day. Finally, we are looking for parent chaperones, so if you are interested, please contact me.  

 Student of the Week 

Every week we have a new Student of the Week. This is a chance for your child to shine and for other students to get to know your child. When your child is selected, I will send home a sheet, a week in advance, for your child to fill out and she/he can bring in some pictures of their family. This sheet will also been on the classroom website and a list of a few student’s names will be listed for the upcoming Students of the Week.  


Student Pickup- If you are picking up your student after school, please pick them up in the back of the school, within 15 minutes of the end of the school day. We are having problems with students being picked up 30- 45 minutes after school is out. If this continues to be a problem, we may ask for the student to ride the bus home. Thanks for you cooperation.

Shoes- Please send your child to school in tennis shoes, especially at the kindergarten level, since we do a lot of physical activities. We also ask that you have an extra pair of tennis shoes here at school for days when the students have PE. This is important because the gym teacher wants students to have clean shoes in the gymnasium. 

Birthdays- Yes, it is OK for your child to bring treats to school on their birthday. However, we ask that you buy something from the store that is premade. Secondly, DO NOT bring any treats in that have nuts or peanut butter in them as some children may have allergies. If at all possible, please make these snacks as healthy as possible.  

Parent Volunteers- If any parents are interesting in volunteering, please contact me, as we can always use help with one-on-one reading. Second, we are looking for homeroom parents who are willing to help with the parties we have throughout the year.